Patient Feedback

Last updated: 08/02/2025 09:02:43

Number of Concerns, Complaints and Compliments received.

August September October November December January February Total
Concern 3 3 8 12 7 14 5 52
Complaint (Quick Resolution) 12 17 20 17 19 7 7 99
Complaint (Closer Look) 25 15 17 14 18 15 1 105
Compliment 125 134 144 155 203 139 9 909
Total 165 169 189 198 247 175 22 1165

Friends and Family Test (FFT) data.

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how. The question we ask is ‘Thinking about the service we provide. Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Month Period Very Good Good Neither Good nor Poor Poor Very Poor Don't Know Total
August 216 55 17 9 33 10 340
September 182 67 12 10 19 4 294
October 184 63 7 18 29 11 312
November 183 39 24 7 18 9 280
December 157 45 13 9 18 5 247
January 176 31 9 7 16 6 246
February 44 9 1 1 1 56

Total number of completed electronic feedback surveys

September October November December January February
Total 130 183 137 118 98 17
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